Monday, September 24, 2007

I choose school over my mom

Ashton loves school so much that he wants to live there. I told him how much I would miss him and about all the things that he would miss if he didn't live with us, but all he said was, "I wish they would put a bed in my school." Now he won't even tell me about his day. Today I asked him, "Can you tell me what you did at school today?" He said, "I'm not having any discussions right now." There is no way I can ever let him leave and move away for college. If he is not going to be "having any discussions" on the 7 minute car ride home, then there is no hope for a phone call when he is away.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The First Day of School

Monday, September 10th was Ashton's first day of preschool. He has been very excited and I was very excited for him. His only concern was regarding the bathroom, since we had not seen it on previous classroom visits. His teacher showed us where the bathroom was and he waved me off without a second thought. I was eager to hear all about his first day and decided to sit down and have a formal interview with him. Though I have no experience interviewing for publication, I think that you will get a grasp of the depth of Ashton's thinking: the rules, the bathroom, and a fasination with broken body parts. You will also find that he has come up with a solution for "stranger danger."

The first thing Ashton said to me when I picked him up from school was, "I listened to what the teacher said." And this is where the Q&A begins:

Q: What did she say?

A: The rules to keep you safe.

Q: What kind of rules?

A: I don't know, and she did like that (he puts both hands on top of his head).

Q: I know that you had some concerns about the bathroom- how did that work out for you?

A: Good.

Q: Did you have to use the facilities?

A: Yes. I didn't let anyone go in with me cuz that was the rules, right?

Q: (I shrug) Earlier you mentioned a sign, what was that about?

A: You turn it to red.

Q: For what?

A: For when you have to go pee or poop.

Q: I see. Did you play with any other kids?

A: Yeah- but I tried to play with Mr. Potato Head and I helped a guy and then lots of guys helpded.

Q: Did you see anyone there that you know?

A: I saw Connor. But Ben, Trent, and Hayden didn't come. There are a lot of guys there.

Q: What was your favorite part of school today?

A: When I gotted to turn the sign on the bathroom red and green. When your done you turn it back to green. That's my favorite part of school, when I get to turn it red or green when I go poop or pee. But you have to get the teachers help cuz guess what? Because they don't have a potty seat!

Q: Good thinking. The teachers told me that you like to talk a lot. How do you feel about that?

A: Good.

Q: Is there anything else about school that you would like to tell me?

A: Nope. There's nothing else to tell you about school.

Q: Please tell me about this drawing you did.

A: This is me and I'm sad because I got shampoo in my eyes. (At school, he told one teacher that the drawing showed him with broken hands. He told the other teacher that it was a broken arm.)

Q: What's this other part [of the drawing]?

A: It's for bad guys.

Q: What do bad guys do with it?

A: I just turn it on and they die. And then something happens to their legs and eyes. And I'll take it to someone's house and if they turn into a stranger I'll use it and then they'll die.

Ashton ended the interview at this point, but mentioned that his post should have a picture of him and Connor. So, here they are. Ashton and Connor have known each other since they were born, and live right next door to each other. They are both very excited to be in the same class.