Monday, October 15, 2007

Last One

I just gave Ashton his last injection. We will start tomorrow morning with insulin in his shiny blue pump. There is always the possibility that Ashton will decide that he prefers not to have the pump, but for now he has been amazing. He has not complained once about the odd contraption attached to his abdomin and has been very excited about the syringe free countdown.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

4 To Go

Today we had to change the infusion site all on our own. This time Ashton did not cry. I can not say the same for myself. But I did cry less than last time and so overall I think we did great!
4 to go.

5 To Go

5 to go

Thursday, October 11, 2007

9 To Go

9 to go

10 To Go

Yesterday, Ashton and I started insulin pump training. It was a nerve-racking three hours that culminated in me sticking a long needle into my son’s stomach. He cried, I cried. He stopped crying, I kept crying. The good news is that once we all get the hang of this, we will be able to be more flexible with schedules and with meals. Up to this point, Ashton has never been able to sleep in, eat when he wants, and not eat when he isn’t hungry. We will soon be able to do all of these things without keeping such a tight schedule (but I love a good schedule, so that won’t change too much!). Right now we are in practice mode and the pump is filled with saline. Next week we get the insulin and for now Ashton is counting down to Syringe Free Living by pulling off a paper syringe every time he gets his insulin injection. We only have 10 to go.