Sunday, May 11, 2008

Let's look at the review

Here is Ashton with Auntie Jen. What is that you say? You do not see Jen in the picture? The same beautiful and wonderful Jen whom I met in college, stood up in my wedding, and is now my son's favorite faux aunt? Well, Ashton is so enamoured with his Auntie Jen that he has named his precious insulin pump after her. (And yes, it is wierd when I tell Ashton that it's time to change Auntie Jen's batteries).

Ashton was a bat for Halloween. In the picture above he is sitting next to the pumpkin that he picked out and carved. The picture below is Ashton showing off his wings. He's really into bats right now.

Happy 4th Birthday!

The theme for Ashton's 4th birthday party was "puzzles." Everything came together really well, but I had no idea how I was going to make a puzzle cake. So, Ashton and I decided to create a big puzzle chocolate chip cookie. We then used the cookie "puzzle pieces" for the first layer of a make-your-own sundae bar.
I love this next picture. This is Elaina, Trenton's (My brother's son) sister. She is absolutely adorable and Ashton loves her. This is the last picture of the evening, after the children had become completely partied out. Ashton has inherited the unfortunate characteristic of mine to look drunk in any random photo. This could be a preview of pictures to come if Ashton and Elaina go to college together.

Random Moments

Ashton still loves to read and often falls asleep on or next to a book.

Sometimes I drape my hair over Lorelei's head so that we can see what she will look like one day when she is not bald (if ever). Ashton wanted to try and we have the exact same color hair so this is one of my favorite looks- this is Ashton if he were Amish.
Ashton was very excited to move from a carseat to a booster. This is a picture of his first ride as a "big boy."

Ashton quickly moved from booster to driver. Here he is pulling into the garage.

We hung these organizers in the play room and Ashton was quite confused by them. He asked me, "How am I supposed to get my head in there?"