Saturday, May 1, 2010

Birds and Bees: Part 1

I was at work one day when Lorelei asked Chadd if she could be a mommy one day and have babies in her belly. He said yes, she was happy, and went off to mother her baby dolls.

That got Ashton's head spinning, so the questions started to pour out.

Ashton: She can really have babies in her belly one day?

Chadd: If she wants to.

Ashton: How would they get there?

Chadd: Huh?

Ashton: How do the babies get in her belly?

Chadd: That's a good question. Let's wait for mommy to get home to answer that one.

Ashton: Why can't you tell me?

Chadd: Because...

Ashton interrupts: Did you forget how?