Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of First Grade

I forgot about taking the customary front lawn photos, but I did remember to take the camera to school. The kindergarten and first graders have their classrooms around the library. They get to go there as they wait for classes to begin.

Ashton picked his Michigan jersey for his first day of school outfit.

Lorelei can't stand not being part of the picture.

Ashton was a bit nervous heading to school that day, mostly due to what became known as "the shoe situation." The kids wear whatever shoes to school and then have shoes that they keep at school to wear inside only. He was very concerned about knowing when to change his shoes. He even followed the other students into the class and ran back out to ask me if it was time to change his shoes. I told him to stay with his class and that I was sure his teacher would tell him everything.

After what seemed to be an eternity, school was finally out for the day. I asked him how it went and he said, "my class is great and my teacher is awesome!" Then he told Chadd later, "first grade is a lot longer than I thought it would be." He is falling asleep quite quickly at bedtime.

Ashton's New Room

Ashton loves Michigan, football & whatever other Detroit sport that's in season. In honor of that, here's his new room:
Walking in the door

 He really loves the 'M'

Chadd & Ashton picked up this penant after watching Michigan's spring practice

The 2 sets of bookends are for Ashton's 2 favorite NFL teams: The Lions and the Dolphins

The picture shelf has my favorite picture of Ashton & his friend Connor (A State fan!)

Ashton, already sweaty from shooting bedroom hoops, admires the Old English lettering on his piggy bank