Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Second Grade

Ashton is now a second grader. He's already had a year of all day school behind him, so he got through his first day like a pro. He's really happy about some of the other students that got placed in his class and he said his teacher is "really awesome."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Game 1

We had our first football game on Saturday. We did not have football weather. I checked the weather when I woke up at 6 am and it was already 72 degrees outside. Then the sun came up and the humidity increased and it was nearly unbearable. It was so hot the Devil called and said that it was too hot for him to make it. The boys were definitely drained by the fourth quarter.
The players standing for their first National Anthem

Halftime- already worn down by the heat