Friday, August 23, 2013

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Second Grade

Ashton is now a second grader. He's already had a year of all day school behind him, so he got through his first day like a pro. He's really happy about some of the other students that got placed in his class and he said his teacher is "really awesome."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Game 1

We had our first football game on Saturday. We did not have football weather. I checked the weather when I woke up at 6 am and it was already 72 degrees outside. Then the sun came up and the humidity increased and it was nearly unbearable. It was so hot the Devil called and said that it was too hot for him to make it. The boys were definitely drained by the fourth quarter.
The players standing for their first National Anthem

Halftime- already worn down by the heat

Monday, August 22, 2011

We Had a Srimmage!

Last Friday night we headed out to scrimmage a couple other teams. It was the first time that we got to see the players all dressed up in their costumes, I mean uniforms. They were so great!

I think Ashton's been working on that sideways football smile. He deserved it. When I saw Ashton grab some kid that stood taller and wider than himself and pull him to the ground, I couldn't have been a more proud mom. It took everything I had not to go rushing onto the field and hug him. That's my baby!

It's Football Season!

Ashton is a football player now. Here he is on the first day of practice; a hot, muggy, rainy day. It's grueling in that heat, a big helmet on their heads, a mouth guard between their teeth and running until they can't breathe. Some kids cried. Some kids begged their parents to let them quit. Some kids insisted that they weren't coming back. Ashton, however, ran around with a crazy grin on his face saying, "this is the best day of my life!"
He's like a bobble head with that big helmet and tiny body
Most of the kids who were struggling, had big issues with being trapped in the helmets. After a few days, they got comfortable in them and the panic eased up. Ashton didn't have this issue since he's been running around in a helmet since he could walk. That's my football parent advice right now: if you have a kid that you hope may one day want to play football, buy them a helmet for their first birthday. It's worth it!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

7th Birthday Pokemon Party

For Ashton's seventh birthday party, he was able to have a party with a few of his friends. It was super loud and crazy, but it was a whole lot of fun! Ashton's a bit obsessed with Pokemon right now, so that served as the theme for the party.

Getting ready to play Pokemon Stomp

Pin the Tail on Pikachu

Cupcake Time!
There was also a round of Pass the Pokemon and a Pikachu Pinata that was so well constructed, Chadd was the one who ultimately had to bust it open. I decided that with all those kids, we were gonna forgo ice cream and the need for plastic utensils, even though I really wanted to construct a Pokeball Cake. Ashton got to go through the cupcake book and he chose: Roasted Banana Cupcake with Cinnamon Honey Frosting, White Cupcakes with Vanilla Frosting, Mint Brownie Cupcakes and Devils Food Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache. He has good taste. And good friends, too. It was a lot of fun to hang out with all the kids that he invited.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of First Grade

I forgot about taking the customary front lawn photos, but I did remember to take the camera to school. The kindergarten and first graders have their classrooms around the library. They get to go there as they wait for classes to begin.

Ashton picked his Michigan jersey for his first day of school outfit.

Lorelei can't stand not being part of the picture.

Ashton was a bit nervous heading to school that day, mostly due to what became known as "the shoe situation." The kids wear whatever shoes to school and then have shoes that they keep at school to wear inside only. He was very concerned about knowing when to change his shoes. He even followed the other students into the class and ran back out to ask me if it was time to change his shoes. I told him to stay with his class and that I was sure his teacher would tell him everything.

After what seemed to be an eternity, school was finally out for the day. I asked him how it went and he said, "my class is great and my teacher is awesome!" Then he told Chadd later, "first grade is a lot longer than I thought it would be." He is falling asleep quite quickly at bedtime.