Monday, August 22, 2011

It's Football Season!

Ashton is a football player now. Here he is on the first day of practice; a hot, muggy, rainy day. It's grueling in that heat, a big helmet on their heads, a mouth guard between their teeth and running until they can't breathe. Some kids cried. Some kids begged their parents to let them quit. Some kids insisted that they weren't coming back. Ashton, however, ran around with a crazy grin on his face saying, "this is the best day of my life!"
He's like a bobble head with that big helmet and tiny body
Most of the kids who were struggling, had big issues with being trapped in the helmets. After a few days, they got comfortable in them and the panic eased up. Ashton didn't have this issue since he's been running around in a helmet since he could walk. That's my football parent advice right now: if you have a kid that you hope may one day want to play football, buy them a helmet for their first birthday. It's worth it!

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