Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jillian's New Favorite Tennis Star

Ashton has started tennis lessons and he loves it! The course is only 5 weeks long, but he has already learned so much. The most important thing that we have learned: He's definitely a lefty. After all this time of him using both hands equally, he has discovered that he is most comfortable with the left.

It's a small class of only 6 children and Ashton loves his coach, Miss Kerri. They have a lot of fun. Ashton's favorite part of tennis is playing the different games. His favorite is "walk the dogs" but he also really likes a game called, "jail."

The class meets for an hour every Thursday. During the rest of the week, Ashton and I like to go practice at the high school's courts, but Lorelei doesn't have the patience for it. I've actually never really cared for tennis, but I love watching and helping Ashton practice so much that now I want to learn too! Miss Kerri says she teaches a beginning class for women, but I don't think she knows just what a sports dummy I am. Anyway, on to the pictures.

It's hard to get good action shots; my camera takes the picture way after the action has occurred. But here's a couple of cute ones.


Ashton graduated from preschool (a couple of months ago!). But it was a really fun and happy day so I should at least put it up with the memories before shool starts this fall.

Ashton loved preshool. So I asked him this:"What was your favorite part about preschool?"

His answer:"All of it."

He has been asking a lot about his teachers lately, and is wondering why we are not visiting them at their homes. I think that he is getting anixious for school to start up.

His teachers were great. They had this wonderful little ceremony outside. The kids got to cross the bridge while the teacher said some nice things about each student.

Afterward, there was an ice cream bar in the classroom. It was a really good time.

That night we had a small graduation party at home. Ashton was really happy that Grandma Debra, Great (sorry grandma) grandma from Arizona, Nana Pat and Papa Rick were able to come. We had dinner and cake. Ashton was very excited that we were celebrating him, though he was still in a little bit of denial that graduation meant there was no more school.

I sincerely hope that he loves the rest of his school years as much as he loved preschool.