Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jillian's New Favorite Tennis Star

Ashton has started tennis lessons and he loves it! The course is only 5 weeks long, but he has already learned so much. The most important thing that we have learned: He's definitely a lefty. After all this time of him using both hands equally, he has discovered that he is most comfortable with the left.

It's a small class of only 6 children and Ashton loves his coach, Miss Kerri. They have a lot of fun. Ashton's favorite part of tennis is playing the different games. His favorite is "walk the dogs" but he also really likes a game called, "jail."

The class meets for an hour every Thursday. During the rest of the week, Ashton and I like to go practice at the high school's courts, but Lorelei doesn't have the patience for it. I've actually never really cared for tennis, but I love watching and helping Ashton practice so much that now I want to learn too! Miss Kerri says she teaches a beginning class for women, but I don't think she knows just what a sports dummy I am. Anyway, on to the pictures.

It's hard to get good action shots; my camera takes the picture way after the action has occurred. But here's a couple of cute ones.

1 comment:

spec ops said...

yeah ashton!!! i've wanted to get hayden in lessons but haven't really found any around here for his age. guess i should look a little harder.