Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy could learn a thing or two

Ashton, Lorelei and myself are in the car yesterday, taking Ashton to school. A song comes on the radio. Ashton asks, "Is this LDL?" I reply with, "Nope. It's Alice in Chains." I confirm this by pushing the info button on my radio (we were listening to Lithium, the 90's alternative rock station) and say, "Yup. It's Alice in Chains."

So then Ashton says something about LDL and is mumbling and I can't hear him. I ask him to speak up and he tells me that I told him that the song on the radio was by LDL. I said, "I did not tell you the song was by LDL. You asked if LDL sang this song and I told you that it was Alice in Chains. And to confirm that it was indeed Alice in Chains, I checked the radio and it said Alice in Chains. I never said anything about LDL. You did. So please stop arguing with me because this is not something worth arguing about. You're just like your father." Ashton replies with, "OK, you're right and I'm wrong." He's smiling but I'm sure I heard his eyes roll (a lovely trait that he has picked up from me). I told him that what he just said was not like his father. But I liked it.

Are you reading this Chadd? Consider it free advice from your son.


spec ops said...

well....i hate alice in chains. and i mean HATE. so that part kinda got me hung up....but, that's funny stuff. minus the alice in chains part. i really hate alice in chains.

rogue said...

But do you love LDL?