Monday, March 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts

Regarding his sister:
"Sometimes I don't want to see Lorelei very much and this is one of those times that I don't."

"Mom, I love you the most and I love dad the most, too. I love Lorelei a little less."

Regarding his Wii obsession:

One morning, while getting a blood sugar check in the school office, Ashton asks Miss. Paula, "Can I call my mom?" Miss. Paula asks him what's wrong and why he needed to make a phone call. He replies, "I want to ask her if I can play the Wii when I get home."

It was Valentine's Day and we had just finished eating breakfast as a family. Ashton brings his plate into the kitchen and says to me, "Some families on Valentine's Day let their kids play Wii all day."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day Party

Ashton's Valentine's Day party was a huge success. You can't go wrong with pizza,

ice cream sundaes,

and a bag full of candy (whick was covertly hidden when we got home).

Here's a picture that is sugar-free but super sweet, Ashton with his favorite classroom friend, Paige:

Lorelei had no interest or time for pizza, ice cream or treats. She was way too busy playing in the make-believe area.