Monday, March 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts

Regarding his sister:
"Sometimes I don't want to see Lorelei very much and this is one of those times that I don't."

"Mom, I love you the most and I love dad the most, too. I love Lorelei a little less."

Regarding his Wii obsession:

One morning, while getting a blood sugar check in the school office, Ashton asks Miss. Paula, "Can I call my mom?" Miss. Paula asks him what's wrong and why he needed to make a phone call. He replies, "I want to ask her if I can play the Wii when I get home."

It was Valentine's Day and we had just finished eating breakfast as a family. Ashton brings his plate into the kitchen and says to me, "Some families on Valentine's Day let their kids play Wii all day."

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