Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Ashton!

Ashton got a stomach bug on the day of his birthday, so he had to stay home from school andwe had to cancel his party. But we still wanted to celebrate, so Chadd, Lorelei and I gave Ashton his presents.
I was really excited to get him a new scooter. The one he has is really weird and it never really worked the way it should. He was ok-happy about it, but it was completely overshadowed by Lorelei's present:

a 100 piece Betty Crocker cake decorating set. He was crazy-happy about this set of "tools." He's seen the commercial for it only a million times and he was convinced that he needed it. So now he's got it and I better see some beautifully decorated treats coming my way on Mother's Day...

Ashton is sitting, patiently waiting for the go ahead to rip into his presents. It was a crowded house over here. A lot of people came out to celebrate the big number 5 with us.

Ashton wanted a dog themed party, so I did what I could. That is a peanut butter bone cake in the back, and the other two are supposed to be dog dishes. The water bowl is a boring carrot cake (no walnuts or coconut) and the food bowl is a fantastic carrot cake (with all the nutty fixin's).

This is Ashton partaking in the last of the birthday rituals around here; cake and ice cream for the morning after. Birthday dessert for the next day's breakfast is a fun tradition that even overnight guests are fond of. (Sometimes the tradition extends past the first day. Jen, how many mornings did we start off with carrot cake after Lorelei's first birthday?)

1 comment:

spec ops said...

i had no idea about this tradition and am shocked and offended i have never been asked to partake.
come have a house guest.